Cheveley C of E Primary School
Dream Believe Work Achieve

Welcome to Cedar Class Years 4/5
Teacher: Mr T Sweeney
Teaching Assistants: Mrs M Brown, Mrs S Cole & Mrs E Margetts

Year 4 Responsibilities
- School Councillor
- Worship Councillor
Year 5 Responsibilities
- Lunchtime Salad Servers
- Librarians
- Worship Councillor
- Lunchtime Club
Year 4 – Maths Times Tables practice every day (focus times tables are tested on Fridays).
Maths homework every Friday.
Year 5 – Maths homework every Friday
Reading – Four times a week
Spellings – Every week (Set on Tuesday and tested the following Monday).
Mondays and Fridays
Children should come to school in their PE kits on P.E. Days

Book Suggestions
This fantastic website has 100 book recommendations for each year group:
Year 4 Link:
The Reader Teacher for Yr 4
Year 5 Link:
The Reader Teacher for Yr 5
Useful Websites
BBC Education
BBC Education has produced a whole host of materials for KS2.
BBC Education Website
A range of activities and games to practice a range of spelling rules and patterns.
Spellzone Website
Top Marks
Check out all the other Times Table games on the Top Marks Website.
Top Marks Website
White Rose 1 Minute Maths App
A free app for practising mental addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Children can work their way through the levels to improve their calculation fluency.
White Rose 1 Minute Maths App Website
Free coding for children.
Scratch Website
Each child has their own log in to help practise spelling, punctuation and grammar.
SPAG Website
BBC Bitesize
Helpful learning videos that cover all subjects.
BBC Bitesize Website
Language Angels for French
Each child has their own login to use.
Language Angels for French Website
Charanga for Music
Each child has their own login to use.
Charanga for Music Website
Silly School Education
Learning videos for all subjects.
Silly School Education Website
Please note that the school are not responsible for the content of external sites.
Get In Touch
Please contact the school office for any enquiries.
Contact: Mrs H Whybrow
School Business Manager
Cheveley C of E Primary School
Park Road, Cheveley
Suffolk CB8 9DF
Telephone: 01638 730273