Cheveley C of E Primary School
Dream Believe Work Achieve
Curriculum Road Map
Vision (Intent)
Dream Believe Work Achieve
Mission (Intent)
Inspire everyone to achieve their very best
through Christ who strengthens them.
‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’
Philippians 4:13
As a Christian school, our values greatly inform all of the decisions we make for the children, staff, governors,
families, community and wider links. They reflect the way we ‘live’ in our school.
Values (Intent)





Intellectual Knowledge, Skills
Understanding & Curiosity
Knowledge & Skills Our knowledge rich curriculum, based on the National Curriculum, is planned sequentially and for the acquisition and mastery of skills.
Core Our curriculum ensures every child has a strong command of reading, writing and maths, as a vital foundation for their learning across the whole curriculum, preparing them for the wider world.
- Please our Subject Aims document.
Christian Life
Spirtituality & Faith
Faith Our curriculum is underpinned by Christian values.
Our children will have a good understanding of the Christian faith and the faiths of others and will feel informed enough to follow their own beliefs.
We aim to provide opportunities that allow our children to
- Be inspired by moments of awe and wonder
- Think critically about their beliefs and actions
- Consider Christian perspectives on life
- Respond to God through worship
- Seek solace and support through their faith
- Foster deep respect for the beliefs of others
- Answer existential, or ‘big’ questions
- Thrive and flourish, embracing both success and challenge and be prepared for ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
- Show Christian love for others
Physical, Social &
Emotional Health
Enriching Experience Our curriculum provides enriching experiences that will introduce our children to life beyond our village context.
Physical, Social & Emotional Health Our school curriculum facilitates the development of the whole child equipping them with the characteristics, skills and qualities they will need to thrive now and in the future.
We aim to provide opportunities that
- Enable all our children to feel safe and well cared for
- Develop their resilience
- Develop their self-esteem
- Teach them how to be physically and mentally healthy
- Promote optimism and hope
- Build positive relationships with themselves, through self-awareness and self-compassion as well as with others
- Promote collaboration
- Develop empathy and understanding
- Inspire them to do more and make a difference
- Help them overcome barriers to good health, care and education
- Promote learning and enjoyment outside of school through our club offer
The Cheveley curriculum is based on the National curriculum; it is progressive in both knowledge and skills. The subject plans are regularly evaluated and adapted if necessary to meet the changing needs of the school cohorts. Formative assessment is used effectively to identify starting points and gaps in knowledge and understanding. Formative and summative assessments are used to support attainment and progress judgements. The school’s performance is compared to national outcomes (EYFS, Phonic check, KS1 SATs, Yr 4Multiplication Check, KS2 SATs)
Parents are informed of their child’s progress and attainment through termly Parent’s evenings and in a written end of year report.
The curriculum is differentiated to enable the inclusion of all children, including those with SEND.
Experienced subject leaders have good pedagogical knowledge, understand the curriculum progression, are aspirational and analytical and are passionate about their subject. This expertise is disseminated to all staff to support the highest standards in teaching and learning. CPD for staff is given a high priority. Governors challenge and monitor quality of education.
Christian Life
Implemented through church visits, visits from our local vicar, classroom prayer spaces, Christian symbols prominent around school including the school vision and values, worship including prayer and reflection, music and bible stories, community involvement in worship and facilitating a child led worship group (Worship Council).
To guide our RE teaching, we follow ‘Understanding Christianity’ as the framework to teach RE. We also teach about other faiths and traditions including Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and Humanism.
Collective worship happens daily in school and each half term at St Mary’s church. This is a time when our school comes together to celebrate our spirituality. Our worship is always Christian in nature, but may reference other faiths and beliefs. We work hard to develop our charitable involvement. Our Year 6 children are following the Young Leader programme leading projects to impact at home, the school and the community. Weekly Godly Play and Quiet Club sessions offer opportunities for children to Weekly Godly Play and Quiet Club sessions offer opportunities for children to explore and reflect on their own spirituality.
Implemented through our PSHE curriculum and the EYFS prime area, visitors leading our worship (NSPCC), cycling proficiency, SEND intervention provision, SEMH provision, Buddy system, pupil leadership groups (School Council, Worship Council, Club Leaders), pupil responsibility (Buddy, Librarians, Digital Leaders), enrichment opportunities, Behaviour in School (Relationship Management policy), assessing physical (PE) and mental health (SEMH Tracking). Children are part of the LA weighing and measuring programme (EY & Yr6), safeguarding compliance, before and after school clubs. Excellent family and community links. Opportunities to recognise, value and celebrate children and their achievements.
What will children achieve?
We seek to ensure that our children achieve the following:
- Have a passion for learning, feel ready for the future and have the motivation and determination to keep on learning more.
- Have a range of experiences through an enriched curriculum.
- Know what it feels like to succeed at something and achieve their very best.
- Understand just how incredible they are as unique individuals, believe in themselves and have the confidence and resilience to follow their ambitions.
- Feel supported, listened to and included by a staff team that cares for them.
- Have the opportunity to be recognised for their achievements and celebrate their successes.
- Grow healthy and strong and gain an understanding of how to look after their body and mind.
- Know friendship and learn how to build mutually respectful and caring relationships with others.
- Feel part of the school and wider community, proud of their school and feel inspired to make a difference to the places they live and the wider world.
- Have a good understanding of the Christian faith, the faiths of others and feel informed enough to follow their own beliefs.
Get In Touch
Please contact the school office for any enquires.
Contact: Mrs H Whybrow
School Business Manager
Cheveley C of E Primary School
Park Road, Cheveley
Suffolk CB8 9DF
Telephone: 01638 730273