Cheveley C of E Primary School
Dream Believe Work Achieve
Our School Uniform
All children are required to wear a school uniform which is as follows:
School Uniform:
- Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without logo).
- White polo t-shirt or shirt.
- Black or grey trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore dress.
- Blue gingham summer dress.
- White or black socks or grey tights.
PE Lessons:
- White t-shirt.
- Blue or black shorts.
- Plain blue or back tracksuit.
- Plimsolls or trainers.
In General:
- The wearing of jewellery is not appropriate for school. Children with pierced ears must wear small, plain studs which must be removed or taped for PE lessons.
- Children in KS2 may wear a watch (not internet enabled).
- Nail varnish and make up is not permitted in school.
- ‘Extreme’ or distracting hair styles are discouraged.
- Flat, comfortable shoes (not trainers) should be worn.
View Uniform Policy 2023
Get In Touch
Please contact the school office for any enquiries.
Contact: Mrs H Whybrow
School Business Manager
Cheveley C of E Primary School
Park Road, Cheveley
Suffolk CB8 9DF
Telephone: 01638 730273