Cheveley C of E Primary School
Dream Believe Work Achieve
Please find some helpful websites below that explain to parents and children how to stay safe online.
Staying safe online is part of the computing curriculum and the school also regularly sends safety updates via Dojo.
If you have any questions about E-Safety, please contact the school office.
A website to help children online offering help, advice, skills and inspiration.
A website for children to play online games, watch their favourite shows & have fun.
Childnet – formerly Kidsmart
A website for providing help and advice for 4 – 11 year olds. A range of key online safety topics.
A website to help children worried about online abuse. CEOP has Child Protection Advisers.
Digiduck Stories
A website with a collection of Digiduck stories to help parents and teachers.
Hector’s World Safety Button
A child activated safety tool which children can use if something on screen upsets/worries them.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children website. How to keep your children safe online.
A child friendly search engine providing a safe environment for children.
Please note that the school are not responsible for the content of external sites.
Get In Touch
Please contact the school office for any enquires.
Contact: Mrs H Whybrow
School Business Manager
Cheveley C of E Primary School
Park Road, Cheveley
Suffolk CB8 9DF
Telephone: 01638 730273